
Thursday, December 08, 2005


found this great site with a list of phobia's.
here is some of my favourites...

asymmetrical things = asymmetriphobia

beards = pogonophobia

beggars = hobophobia

chickens = alektorophobia

complex scientific or (Greek) terms = Hellenologophobia

dining, dinner conversation = deipnophobia

everything = panophobia

excrement = coprophobia

fear = phobophobia

figure 8 = octophobia

Friday the 13th = paraskavedekatriaphobia

large objects = megalophobia

lefthanded, things to the left = sinistrophobia

moon = selenophobia

otters = lutraphobia

peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth = arachibutyrophobia

pope = papaphobia

sermons = homilophobia

ugliness = cacophobia


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